Sunday, July 8, 2007

Apple iPhone

I went to the Apple store last night to check out the new iPhone for accessibility. If you have the money and some central vision, you will love this phone/ camera/ email/ internet/ organizer/ nano.....all around rock star of a gadget. Coming from someone who has used a phone so big it looks like it was created by the R and D team at Fisher Price, it was really nice to use something high tech which also has a decent size screen and interface. It is also all touch screen, so you do not have to squint and hunt for keys. So, go check it out or visit the apple store online. I find the interface much easier to use than the one on my iPod.


Anonymous said...

The Apple iPhone...Natalie you have come so far and surpased me in leap years. Beautiful, bright and a techno geek...I love ya! In all seriousness I know this is to help you get along easier but It brings a smile to my face to hear you talk about the latest in technology. We've come a long way, baby!
Your friend - Nic

Mom to brown eyed kids said...

Speaking of which, I would love to see the face of a certain tenth grade science teacher when he is in the hospital and you come waltzing in. I think he would run like the building was on fire...:)
Thanks for the tireless support.
LOve you,nat

Friend George with placenta implants said...

hi natalie. with my multiple sclerosis, i'm always looking for the best gizmos for accessibility. if cellphone service is your primary need, i really like the latest phones with a bluetooth earpiece. i have a motorola krazr with bluetooth. i just push a button on the earpiece and speak a command, like "call home" or "call 800-123-4567". voice recognition is very accurate these days. of course, if you're looking for internet on a portable, you're making a good choice if you join the iphone cult! anyway, you probably know all this already but i thought i'd share anyway. your fellow psc'er, george in AZ.

Mom to brown eyed kids said...


Hi! It is good to hear from you. Thanks for the tip. It is not something I was aware of...I wonder if the next generation of iPhone will have voice recognition? Now THAT would be very cool!
