Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Vision Now

My vision nine months post placental implant shows very little change since before the implant. In fact, the visual acuity in my left eye, per the Snellen test, is a line worse. This is not considered "significant" in clinical land. It could have been a bad day. It could have been a good one.

As for subjective improvements? Things have remained very "dirty tunnel" and in major need of some heavy duty cleaning! It was pretty amazing being out of the tunnel for a short time last summer. And the night vision thing?! I felt like a super hero! Of course, my husband was quick to tell me that having normal night vision is a pretty lame super power.

Does this depress me? Well, if I did not believe this was part of a plan for my life, the answer would be "Ummm......of course!" But, I do believe in a Creator and a plan. So, I find it more frustrating than depressing. Annoying...Extremely annoying! That is human nature, I guess. I could focus on being grateful for the vision I DO have as opposed to focusing on what is lacking...Gosh, the horrid puns just keep coming. Guess I need to pray on it.....the gratitude part, not the puns. Or possibly the puns too....:)


Unknown said...

what kind of implant did you have and where? pls let me know more detail.

Mom to brown eyed kids said...


Read the beginning of the blog. I had a placental stem cell implant which was my impetus to start this blog.