Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My General Health

Starting last summer, I began seeing a unique doctor of internal medicine in San Antonio. Dr. John D. Hernandez, of the Center for Wellness and Integrative Medicine, and I worked together for many months prior to my stem cell implant.

He did multiple nutritional and conventional evaluations. I took many supplements, in various dosages. Every six weeks to three months, we would assess my situation and make changes.

Under Dr. Hernandez's care, I cut out all foods linked to inflammation, such as those containing gluten and refined sugar. My diet was one of whole organic foods, mainly lean protien, fruits and vegetables.

While my vision did not change during this time, my asthma and arthritis did respond. My fingers and toes are still constantly cool, but not freezing and uncomfortable like they were.

Before I found my way to Dr. Hernandez, I was on both albuterol and corticosteroid inhalers as well as Singulaire for asthma. I relied on albuterol every three hours during the day. I had a painkiller prescription for my arthritis pain, but usually used Advil in the mornings. I caught every cold my daughter brought home from preschool. I required ten hours of sleep a day. Getting out of bed in the morning was an act of pure will.

When I received the implant in April of 2007, I was completely free of prescription drugs for the first time in years. My energy level had greatly improved. I had two minor colds in six months. These colds only lasted a couple of days, as opposed to ten days which had become my norm prior to making these changes.

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