Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Found the Mystery Box

Every day when I drop off and pick up my daughter at preschool, I sign her name in with my contact info for the day on a sheet. This sheet is on a clipboard. Usually it is on one of two different tables, though people put it back in different places. There is also a pen that is unattached from the clipboard. Usually, I wait for someone else to sign their child in and hold my hand out so they can hand me the pen and clipboard. This way I do not have to scan the tables to find it. Today I walked in, saw the clipboard and the pen next to it. It was a white pen on a white table top.

In my daugher's classroom there is also a box with files in it. Each child has a file with their name on it in the box. Parents are supposed to go to the box, find the file with their child's name on it and get their work. Well, the teacher tells me about this mysterious box regularly. I smile and nod. Then I promptly tell my husband to grab my daugher's work out of the box when he does occasional pick up. Today I found the box and my daughter's file in it.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I'm just thrilled for you! This is the best thing I've heard today! Absolutely Fantastic!!!!